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Living Hope: How the Gospel Fulfills Our Core Desires

education enneagram Mar 17, 2019

Hi, Enneagram Friends. It’s Your Enneagram Coach Beth, back to talk to you about how our Type’s Core Motivations are driving our thoughts, feelings and actions. When we truly understand our hardwiring, we can use the knowledge as an internal GPS to keep ourselves on the path of health and wholeness in our life, work and relationships.

Be sure to follow me over on Instagram as we unpack all 9 Types’ Core Motivations (Fears, Desires, Weaknesses and Longings). If you’re unsure of your Enneagram Type, I recommend paying special attention to this series! Perhaps you’ve taken my free assessment, but you’re still a little unsure. (No matter how sophisticated, assessments can only be about 80% effective, depending on the individual’s spiritual and emotional self-awareness and health.) Honing in on your personality’s Core Motivations is vital in determining your Type and unlocking the transformation and freedom a Gospel-centered Enneagram has to offer.

“I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”

Today we’re diving in to Core Desire, identifying what each personality is constantly striving for, believing it will bring complete fulfillment. Our behavior is rooted in running away from our Core Fear, in hopes of satisfying our Core Desire, and we become hurt, sad, frustrated, or angry when we can't obtain it. Whether we are conscious of it or not, we all get tripped up in the belief that obtaining our Core Desire will make all of life okay, and that it’s the only way we can be satisfied and content.

But that just isn’t true, friends! We simply can’t find real and lasting satisfaction in our own strength. God designed each of us with a Core Desire as a way to draw us to Him, because He is the only one who can fulfill it. He’s always pursuing us, asking us to align our hearts with His.

As you look at your Type’s Core Desire, I challenge you to be honest with yourself, and explore how this motivation is shaping your thoughts and choices. Count the cost to your heart, and your relationship with God and others. Do you have control of your desires, or are they ruling your heart? This awareness is what makes the difference between bondage and abundant life!

Below you’ll find your Type’s Core Desire and how the Gospel fulfills it. There are also some reflection questions and an exercise to guide you in growth at the end of this post. May this Enneagram knowledge help you find rest in Christ, who knows your Core Desire, and answers and redeems it through His life, death and resurrection.

Type 1: The Moral perfectionist

Core Desire: Having integrity, being good, balanced, accurate, virtuous, and right

How the Gospel Fulfills Your Core Desire

Type 1, though you have a deeply-rooted desire to improve the world and do everything in a perfect, orderly and systematic way, you can’t do it in your own strength.  Jesus’ life, death and resurrection perfectly took away all your past, present and future imperfections and sins. Because of Christ’s finished work, God can view you as 100% righteous. Though you have a harsh inner critic, you can release your burdensome pursuits and responsibilities and take rest, knowing you are spiritually perfect in Christ. He delights in you as His cherished child!

To learn more about how Christ answers your core motivations and live a more fulfilling life, take my Type 1 Exploring You Course.

Type 2: The Supportive Advisor

Core Desire: Being appreciated, loved, and wanted

How the Gospel Fulfills Your Core Desire

Type 2, though you have a deeply-rooted desire to be affirmed and valued, you can’t obtain this in your own strength! Jesus’ life, death and resurrection perfectly demonstrated just how loved and cherished you are to Him. Christ’s finished work removes the need to have validation from others. You can release your burdensome pursuit to be the most loving, helpful and supportive person and take rest, knowing you are the recipient of Christ’s unconditional love. He delights in you beyond compare as His cherished child!

To learn more about how Christ answers your core motivations and live a more fulfilling life, take my Type 2 Exploring You Course.

Type 3: The Successful Achiever

Core Desire: Having high status and respect, being admired, successful, and valuable

How the Gospel Fulfills Your Core Desire

Type 3, though you have a deeply-rooted desire to receive affirmation, attention and notoriety for your achievements, you can’t satisfy this in your own strength! Jesus’ life, death and resurrection perfectly demonstrated how much he loves, cherishes and values the real you. He did not create you to be anyone else. You can release your burdensome desire to be successful and productive and take rest, knowing you don’t have to strive for what you already have in Christ. He loves you beyond compare as His cherished child!

To learn more about how Christ answers your core motivations and live a more fulfilling life, take my Type 3 Exploring You Course.

Type 4: The Romantic Individualist

Core Desire: Being unique, special, and authentic

How the Gospel Fulfills Your Core Desire

Type 4, though you have a deeply-rooted desire for beauty, authenticity and deep connection, you can’t satisfy this in your own strength! Jesus’ life, death and resurrection perfectly demonstrated how much he sees, values and understands you. He created you to feel deeply, and you reflect His creative and radiant glory. You can release your shame, inadequacy and burdensome efforts and take rest, knowing you belong and are 100% secure as Christ’s beloved child. He has called you to bless the world!

To learn more about how Christ answers your core motivations and live a more fulfilling life, take my Type 4 Exploring You Course.

Type 5: The Investigative Thinker

Core Desire: Being knowledgeable, capable and competent

How the Gospel Fulfills Your Core Desire

Type 5, though you have a deeply-rooted desire to master a body of knowledge or skill, and to keep yourself from being dependent, disturbed or depleted by others, you can’t satisfy this in your own strength! Jesus’ life, death and resurrection perfectly demonstrated that He knows your every need, and you’re never too much for Him. He intricately created you and will always sustain and refresh you. You can release your exhausting struggle for autonomy and information and take rest, knowing Christ gives you all the knowledge, energy and internal resources you need. He is the living water that does not run dry.

To learn more about how Christ answers your core motivations and live a more fulfilling life, take my Type 5 Exploring You Course.

Type 6: The Loyal Guardian

Core Desire: Having security, guidance, and support

How the Gospel Fulfills Your Core Desire

Type 6, though you have a deeply-rooted desire for certainty, direction and wisdom, you can’t satisfy this in your own strength! Jesus’ life, death and resurrection perfectly demonstrated how all-powerful, sovereign and trustworthy He is, and that he will always protect and provide for you. You can release your exhausting pursuit for security and take rest, knowing you’re never alone or abandoned. The God of the universe loves you, and will give you a peace that passes all understanding, and unwavering guidance and support. Cast your cares on Him as His beloved child!

To learn more about how Christ answers your core motivations and live a more fulfilling life, take my Type 6 Exploring You Course.

Type 7: The Entertaining Optimist

Core Desire: Being happy, fully satisfied, and content

How the Gospel Fulfills Your Core Desire

Type 7, though you have a deeply-rooted desire for new and fun experiences, you can’t fulfill this in your own strength! Jesus’ life, death and resurrection perfectly demonstrated that He takes care of all your needs, and that you are never alone or empty. You can release your exhausting pursuit for satisfaction and contentment and take rest, knowing you have received a never ending supply of blessings. Ask God to give you a deep joy, fulfillment and gratitude that transcends your desire for earthly things. His living water never runs dry!

To learn more about how Christ answers your core motivations and live a more fulfilling life, take my Type 7 Exploring You Course.

Type 8: The Protective Challenger

Core Desire: Protecting yourself and those in your inner circle

How the Gospel Fulfills Your Core Desire

Type 8, though you have a deeply-rooted desire for self-reliance and control, you can’t satisfy this in your own strength! Jesus’ life, death and resurrection perfectly demonstrated how much power, strength, love and determination He has for you. You can release your efforts to always assert yourself and prevail over others and take rest, knowing you have supernatural protection and provision. Christ went to great lengths for you, and He always has your back. He has won the battle so you always have victory in Him.

To learn more about how Christ answers your core motivations and live a more fulfilling life, take my Type 8 Exploring You Course.

Type 9: The Peaceful Mediator

Core Desire: Having inner stability and peace of mind

How the Gospel Fulfills Your Core Desire

Type 9, though you have a deeply-rooted desire for inner harmony and to be seen, you can’t satisfy this in your own strength! Jesus’ life, death and resurrection perfectly demonstrated His great love for you, and frees you from the need to hide behind and merge with others. He knows you, and you can find your true identity in Him. You can release your efforts to avoid conflict and discomfort and take rest, knowing your voice and presence matters. Go out and bless the world with your voice, gifts and joy!

To accelerate your growth, overcome obstacles, and live a more fulfilling life, take our Type 9 Exploring You Course.

Reflection Questions

  1. What comes to mind when you honestly acknowledge your Core Desire? Do any particular words ring more true to you than others?
  2. As you look back over your life, how did the desires you chased impact your life, decisions and relationships? Did your pursuits bring real and lasting fulfillment?
  3. As you look at your life and behaviors today, are you in control of your desires, or do they master you? What thought processes tend to keep you on track or lead you astray?
  4. How does it feel to know that Christ alone can answer the desires of your heart? What would it look like to allow Him to satisfy you in ways you can’t accomplish in your own strength?  

Growth Exercise

One way to help "catch yourself" looking to anyone or anything other than Christ to satisfy your Core Desires is to practice AWARE-ness:

A - Awaken: Notice how you are reacting in your behavior, feelings, thinking, and body sensations.

W- Welcome: Be open to what you might learn and observe without condemnation and shame.

A - Ask: Ask for the Holy Spirit to help clarify what is happening internally.

R - Receive: Receive any insight and affirm your true identity as God’s beloved child.

E - Enjoy: Take comfort in being Christ’s child and enjoy your new freedom from old self-defeating patterns of living.

When you find yourself chasing after or being controlled by your Core Desire, remember Psalm 37:4: “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Only He satisfies!

As we continue exploring Core Motivations in the coming weeks, you may want some help figuring out your Type, or maybe even have some doubts about how you've typed yourself in the past. My 3-step online courses can help! We also have Endorsed Certified Coaches who can come alongside you on your Enneagram journey and help you accelerate personal growth and relational transformation. Click here to get to know our Endorsed Certified Coaches and schedule a Discover Your Type session today.


For more Gospel-centered insights on The Enneagram, follow us on Instagram @yourenneagramcoach

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